IST M200 Synthesis Mask
Twin lens crystal silicone mask with removable tempered glass lenses, suitable for the fitting of Prescription lenses. Prescriptive lenses are available from -1.0 to -9.0 or +1.0 to +3.5.
IST M200 Synthesis Mask is a twin lens silicone mask with removable tempered glass lenses, suitable for the fitting of Prescription lenses. The frame of the mask is made of marine grade Aluminium alloy and the skirting is made of hypoallergenic liquid silicone.
Lens may be rotated to suit either left or right hand side of the IST M-200 Mask. Spherical correction ensures a clear & concise appreciation of the underwater world. Available from -1.0 to -9.0 in 0.5 increments. Not suitable for bifocal or cylindrical prescriptions. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a qualified optician.
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