Ready-made diopter correction lens (For myopia)

there’s no reason this is stopping you from enjoying a clear sight underwater!

Eye: Left, Right
Myopia: -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0, -5.5, -6.0


Apollo Bio-Metal Corrective Lens

We carry these Apollo Bio-Metal Corrective Lens for myopia in store. Fits the Apollo Bio-Metal Mask series, Bio-Fullface Mask, there’s no reason this is stopping you from enjoying a clear sight underwater!

We all wish we could go scuba diving with the glasses we wear each day, but it’s not possible to wear both a mask and glasses and attain the comfort and seal that’s needed. The hunt for the right mask lenses still starts with the right mask, because no matter how well the lenses correct your vision, they won’t do you much good unless the mask itself fits you well enough to provide a comfortable, leak-free seal.


Diopter lens optico: For bio-metal mask series, bio-fullface mask, ecodiver mask

Eyesight 0.6~0.5 0.5~0.4 0.4~0.3 0.3~0.2 0.2~0.1
Lens Power -1.0~-1.5 -1.5~-2.5 -2.5~-3.5 -3.5~-4.5 -4.5~-5.5
Eyesight 0.1~0.08 0.06~0.04 0.02~0.01 0.01
Lens Power -5.5~-6.5 -6.5~-7.5 -7.5~-8.0 -8.0~-8.5 -8.5~-9.0

Prescription Dive Mask Lenses

Divers often refer to their off-the-shelf corrective lenses as “prescription,” but there are companies that offer actual prescription mask lenses, down to your precise diopter and astigmatism correction, as well as bifocals. Do check with us on this option in-store!

Some companies offer a selection of masks from which you choose your model, with your prescription installed. Others create prescription lenses for your own mask, which you send to them for installation of the lenses. The procedure we’re familiar with involves putting your prescription into lenses that are bonded onto the inside surface of your mask’s lenses.

Prescription lenses are more involved and more expensive than just selecting and installing a set of off-the-shelf step diopter lenses. But the benefits are that you have your exact prescription and that it can be installed in any type of mask, including full-face masks.

Making the lenses requires knowing the distance between your pupils; some companies want you to measure the actual distance, while others have you mark the center of your pupils onto your mask lens with a felt-tip pen. For bifocals, you use a second pen mark or tape line to mark the top edge of the bifocals. (We’ve found this chore is easier if you have someone else do the measuring or marking for you.)

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